This my website.
Who you?
I am a professional jack-of-all-tech: sysop, networking, diag/repair,
code monkey, CSR, etc...
I am currently working as a systems administrator in higher
I'm happily engaged to a wonderful girl.
I'm interested in the creation, editing, and general design of digital
imagery, sound, and video.
I love full, acoustically diverse music with lots of instruments, like jazz fusion and symphonic metal.
My taste is very diverse.
I like to watch plot-driven action, mystery, and psychological movies
and anime occasionally.
I enjoy writing of all kinds and expression through language; mostly
manga nowadays.
I want to learn a foreign language—current interests Finnish and
Japanese—but I never get far.
I haven't yet found a culture I find enviable and would love to move out
in the middle of nowhere.
If there were any piece of media able to describe me at any moment,
this is it.